HGA is a group of brothers and sisters committed to an obsession. And that obsession is to be about what God has always been about, His Glory Alone. What started as a bible study with 7 men in a two-bed room apartment quickly grew into a citywide mini-movement. As I reflect on the genesis of our community, I some times get emotional as it becomes more and more apparent to me that “God did it all!” We prayed that it rain in our city and God made it pour! Young, unchurched, multi-ethnic, urban men and women abandoning their lives to take a new life in Jesus. They felt that their youth meant one thing, we have more years to serve Jesus. God taught them that. How else could this be explained? How did we go from thieves, drug dealers, goody tow shoes, players, and atheists to missionaries to Iraq, Peru, China, Costa Rica, Brazil, and most dearly Tampa? There was a time where the brothers and sisters tried to walk 15 miles to another city and share the gospel with every person they came across. Why? For fun! (It actually didn’t work. We ended up taking a bus the last 13 miles.) This is what we enjoyed. We loved Jesus not perfectly but consistently. As we’ve grown into adulthood and become husbands, wives, college students, business owners, so on and so forth. His Glory Alone is still the cry of almost every person that started with us almost 6 years ago. They said we’d grow out of this but in reality we’ve only grown in to this. “HGA until the casket drops.” Join us in this most happy pursuit declaring, “His glory among the nations!”